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Cookie Policy

On this website, only the information is used as indicated in the legal sections: Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. We do not use cookies to process personal data on our own, only those essential for the technical functioning of this website. Some or all of the cookies identified below may be stored in your browser. At the same time, there are companies that store and use cookies for their own use and that are beyond our control; like google, mozilla or apple.
A “cookie” is a small amount of data in text format that is stored in your browser while you browse a website and allows information about your browsing process to be stored.
This information may consist of technical data related to your connection, to facilitate user-network communication or provide the services that the user is requesting or authentication and identification of the user on the network. These functional cookies are essential to be able to navigate and, therefore, are exempt from obtaining consent.
Other cookies are optional, such as those related to the preparation of statistics, personalized marketing or the user’s behavior in the browsing process. These are not technically essential to be able to browse and are rejected by the user so that they are not stored in their browser.
It is not a virus, nor a Trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.
Generally speaking, cookies do not usually store your sensitive information, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs or personal information, etc. The data they store is of a technical, statistical nature, personal preferences, content customization, etc. But you must keep in mind that a website can store all types of information, so it is advisable that you review it and accept or reject it appropriately. We DO NOT store any type of sensitive information of our users.
The web server does not associate you with any person but with your web browser. In fact, if you regularly browse with the Chrome browser and try to browse the same website with the Firefox browser, you will see that the website does not realize that it is the same person because it is actually associating the information with the browser, not with the person. .
a. Depending on the entity that manages them:
b. According to its purpose:
c. Depending on the time they remain active:
Currently, as those responsible for this website (identified in the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy), we do not use our own cookies and, therefore, we do not generate or store any type of user information, except for that which is essential to make possible navigation and use of the services that our website offers and that our users request.
At the same time, we inform you that we cannot prevent third parties, such as Google, Mozilla, Apple, Instagram, or WordPress (platforms and other tools with which this website is developed) from installing and using cookies in your browser. According to current regulations, you must consult the website of each external provider to find out their own cookie management.
We inform you that the installation of Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity is planned in the near future, as well as the launch of campaigns through Google Ads. For the management and interaction of the user with the cookies managed by this website, the “GDPR Cookie Compliance Plugin” has been installed and at the same time we ensure regulatory compliance in their management, you can manage them before their use on the website.
To facilitate the management of cookies by the user, we have installed a tool that will provide clear, concise, fast and subsequently reconfigurable administration, “GDPR Cookie Compliance Plugin”. This management involves consenting or rejecting cookies immediately, as well as being able to reconsider your choice later.
This tool is accessible from any page on the website and at any time, which will allow you to revoke consent for previously accepted cookies with the same ease and immediacy with which you accepted them.
As we have previously indicated, to browse the website it is necessary to install technical cookies, which collect, in any case, completely anonymous information. Despite this, you can configure your browser to block them and, if necessary, delete them. However, if you select this setting, you may not be able to access certain parts of the Website or you may not be able to take advantage of and/or use any of its services. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to reject cookies, our system will produce cookies when you connect to our Website.
However, you can, at any time, restrict, block or delete cookies from this Website. To do this, you can modify the settings of your browser regarding the use of cookies through the ‘Preferences’, ‘Options’ or ‘Tools’ menu (the name of the menus or the procedure to access the cookie options vary depending of the browser used). For more information about cookie configuration, consult the ‘Help’ menu of the browser installed on your terminal equipment.
We review and update our information management policies on a regular basis, or in the event of regulatory changes, or when a provider notifies us of an update that affects us. But due to constant technological updating, some of the changes may not be reflected in the current policy or may simply not significantly affect the management of our website.
In some cases, we cannot be held responsible for possible consequences to users:
Any additional information that the user requires or if there is any inconvenience, you can contact us through the means indicated on the website or in the Legal Notice.
Every user can consult the regulations on cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its “Guide on the use of cookies” and obtain more information about cookies on the Internet, http://www.aboutcookies.org/
If you want to have greater control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose which cookies you want to allow.
At the same time, you can consult the following websites: Aboutcookies, youronlinechoices, Network Advertising Initiative or Digital Advertising Alliance where you will find detailed explanations on the use and deletion of cookies from your computer.
This Cookie Policy has been updated as of November 2022.